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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > References to an old web-site root/path View modes: 
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Nick.Robinson - freelance computing - 10/25/2010 11:13:41 AM
References to an old web-site root/path
I am setting up a new web-site but I have copied some items for the Master Page from an existing web site.

Now it seems that any references to directories which I would expect to point to the new site are actually fetching images and .css etc from the old site.

(eg <img src='/CMS/App_Themes/MySite/Images/Image.gif' alt='My Gif' height=100 />)
This is getting the image from the directories of the old version of the site (in the old virtual web site) instead of the directories in the current web-site.

IIS is pointing at the new directories (ie K:\CMS\...) but the images are coming from C:\Kentico55\CMS\... the old web-site

Where is the default path set in Kentico and how do I fix it?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/11/2010 1:29:08 AM
RE:References to an old web-site root/path

Could you please paste here what you have copied? Isn't it possible that the paths are hard-coded in the code you have copied? When using e.g. path selectors, image selectors in Kentico - the paths are always relative, so moving the site to a different location should not be a problem.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus