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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Custom UI Not Allowing Checked Privilages View modes: 
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mosa - 12/8/2010 1:41:13 PM
Custom UI Not Allowing Checked Privilages
I am attempting to customize a role for a user. But I cannot set up the access I want for the user, mainly a missing Design tab.

The user has a username and password, which work, and is assigned to the role ‘CMS Editors.’

I then customized the CMS Editors UI as follows:
Administration- all checked
CMS Desk- all checked
Media Dialogue- all checked
Content- All checked except Edit Layout, Edit Templates, Modify Shared Templates, Add Web Parts, Remove Web Parts
Tools- BizForms, Custom Tables, Media Libraries and Polls are checked. All others are not checked
My Desk- all checked

I have even tried checking every single option, but it still does not show everything I checked. I have also attempted to restart.

Am I missing something?


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mosa - 12/10/2010 12:17:02 PM
RE:Custom UI Not Allowing Checked Privilages
Found the answer:

The editor cannot change the template in this case. Luckily for us, KenticoCMS 5.0 offers the ability to personalize the UI. So first we have to give the CMS Editors role access to the permission "Design web site". To do this go to "Site Manager" and open up the "Administration" tab, then Permissions and select for "Permission type" Modules and "Permission matrix" Content.
