12/22/2010 8:11:28 PM
Security Context on Kentico
Hello, I am facing a situation that I am hoping can be answered here. Here is the scenario:
1. Our site uses Kentico Cms but only for the content pages. 2. We have custom ASP.NET MVC site that is used for custom development 3. The users of the site can logon to the Site from a login form that is provided both as an inline Control from Kentico and a user control on MVC. This is because the user may login to the site either from Kentico end or the custom site. 4. The login processing is completely custom and when the user is authenticated, we set an authorization cookie and allow the user to pass through.
Here is where the troubles begin: 1. If a user is registered as a Kentico Cms Content Manager or Administrator (or any Kentico account), when that person logs in to the Kentico Cms site, he/she is assumed as logged in on the Custom Site. I believe this could be because we're just checking whether the User.Identity.IsAuthenticated. It may be easier to rectify this situation by some additional checks. 2. The other scenario is pretty interesting, if a user is logged on using custom account credentials, the Kentico Site assumes that the user is logged in when the user invokes the Cms Desk. This isn't a viable option because we now have all users of the site accessing the Cms Desk. The Cms Desk doesn't let the user view any pages because any effort to do so results in errors on the Cms desk end, but the very fact that the user can access the Cms Desk itself is a big deal.
Is there a way to differentiate between these two logins? Can you provide me with any assistance on this?
Thanks, Anup