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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Control Classes and Appropriate Usage View modes: 
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Peter - 12/22/2010 11:52:46 AM
Control Classes and Appropriate Usage
Kentico provides several classes from which one might derive custom controls from such as:
I basically understand when and why I might use the Inline and FormEngine User controls but the CMSUser and CMSAdmin controls elude me. Kentico uses these classes frequently but generally why and when would I use either. I'm thinking it has something to do with perhaps integrating such controls into the Kentico back-end BUT which can also be used in the front-end (via WebPats, etc.).

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS: I'm assuming all these control types, being derived from the InlineUserControl, can then also be used inline if desired?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/28/2010 4:23:50 AM
RE:Control Classes and Appropriate Usage

you may use CMSAdminControls and CMSUserControls as InlineControls in case its properties are defined correctly (using getValue and setValue).

CMSAdminControls and CMSUserControls are both used in administrative interface.

CMSAdminControl has enhanced permission check and it is used mainly in administrative UI

CMSUserControl has some additional functionality - it is checking if it is inserted in CMSDeskPage + it checks permissions.

CMSAdminControl inherits from CMSUserControl. and CMSUserControl inherits from InlineControl.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova