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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template: From field not used View modes: 
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John - 12/20/2010 4:44:47 AM
E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template: From field not used

when system send email using E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template "From" field not used! Instead it uses the email address of the smtp account user!

Is that a bug? Or am I missing something?

best regards,


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/20/2010 9:50:51 AM
RE:E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template: From field not used

Two emails are sent when the order status changes:

One according to "Ecommerce.OrderStatusNotificationToAdministrator" template
and one based on "Ecommerce.OrderStatusNotificationToCustomer".

The emails are sent according below description:

1. Template: E-commerce - Order status notification to administrator

- Email defined in template: YES

From: email defined in template
To: defined in Tools - Ecommerce - Configuration - Store settings - Send e-commerce e-mails to:

- Email defined in template: NO

From: customer's email
To: defined in Tools - Ecommerce - Configuration - Store settings - Send e-commerce e-mails to:

2.Template: E-commerce - Order status notification to customer

- Email defined in template: YES

From: defined in template
To: customer's email address

- Email defined in template: NO

From: defined in Tools - Ecommerce - Configuration - Store settings - Send e-commerce e-mails from:
To: customer's email address

In case you want to customize this default behavior, you will have to write your own CustomOrderInfoProvider and override the default methods:
SendOrderStatusNotificationToAdministrator / SendOrderStatusNotificationToCustomer

Hope this makes sense.

Could you please specify which version/hotfix are you using in case your behavior is different?

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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John - 12/21/2010 2:04:47 AM
RE:E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template: From field not used
Hi Ivana,

I'm using v5.5.3999.

"From" address is defined in template in both cases and both templates are used.

Customer does receive the templated order notification email but in "from" field it shows the email address defined in "Tools - Ecommerce - Configuration - Store settings - Send e-commerce e-mails from" instead of showing the "Form" field as defined in template!



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/21/2010 4:35:09 AM
RE:E-commerce - Order notification to customer Template: From field not used
Hi John,

my previous answer may be confusing. Actually, there are 4 templates:

A) 2 used when order is created:
- E-commerce - Order notification to administrator
- E-commerce - Order notification to customer

B) 2 used when status of order is changed:

- E-commerce - Order status notification to administrator
- E-commerce - Order status notification to customer

but behavior is the same for each of above templates. If the email address is defined inside the template, it is used prior to email address defined in Tools - ecommerce - Configuration - Store settings - Send e-commerce e-mails from (tested with 5.5.3999).
Could you please confirm that your email address is defined in the correct templates (from the point A)?

If yes, would it be possible to grant me with an access to your site? You could send it to support@kentico.com with reference to this thread.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova