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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Programmatically enable/disable document type fields View modes: 
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advancesolutions-hotmail - 1/13/2011 10:27:29 AM
Programmatically enable/disable document type fields
I have a document type where, from a drop-down list users select which type of article they are creating.

Upon selecting an article type I wish to enable/disable certain other fields contained in the properties for that document type. Is it possible to do this with Kentico?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 1/14/2011 3:27:05 AM
RE:Programmatically enable/disable document type fields

You can create a custom editable page for the given document type and add there any custom code you need. You can specify a custom edit page by inserting the URL in the field "Editing page" in CMSSiteManager / Development / Document types.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko