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danielrae - 11/5/2010 8:53:50 AM
Registering for downloads - save as cookie or log into site?

we wish to offer resources such as whitepapers and success stories (PDF files) on our website. However, we'd like to capture information from site visitors before they're allowed to download the resource.

Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve this?

I've found one good example where I am forced to enter a range of details, and then I am able to download as many, or all, whitepapers. It must save a cookie.

Or perhaps we could force the user to register on the site and then allow them to download whitepapers.

Any thoughts?



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 11/8/2010 3:44:18 AM
RE:Registering for downloads - save as cookie or log into site?
Hi Daniel,

you can find an example in this thread as well.

The thread discussed how to use two transformations (the first one for authorized users, the second one for unauthorized) to enable download only for authorized users.

In case of unauthorized users is described how to redirect them to login page and then back to the download page.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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danielrae - 1/13/2011 9:24:52 AM
RE:Registering for downloads - save as cookie or log into site?

been back looking at how to achieve this. The method you linked to shows how to force someone to log into the site to download files. Would it be possible to alter this and redirect someone to a form. Then, upon completion of the form (on submit), the user is redirected to the document.



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 1/14/2011 7:34:27 AM
RE:Registering for downloads - save as cookie or log into site?

You could create a page and insert the bizform webpart into this page (instead of page with login form). Then you can set redirect URL in the definition of appropriate bizform: 'Redirect to URL' field of 'CMS Desk-> Tools-> BizForms-> General' tab. This Redirect to URL could look like ~/download.aspx?visibility=true. To decide which transformation should be used on a download page you can use this query parameter. You could use it in query parameter macro, i.e. {%visibility%} in this case.

This is only simple example. The user could access the download page using http://domain.com/download.aspx?visibility=true directly instead of using http://domain.com/download.aspx and he would not be forced to insert data into the bizform.

You could insert a guid field into bizform of Unique identifier (GUID) type. This field would not be visible in public form. This GUID could be used as "download availability decider".The bizform return url could look like:
Now to decide which transformation could be used you could create a custom macro and in this macro check if record with the GUID exists in the biz form table.

I hope the description makes sense.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova