Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Hide webpart on multiple pages View modes: 
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gliker-inorbital - 2/11/2011 2:47:10 PM
Hide webpart on multiple pages
Hi guys,

I'm using this macro to hide webpart on specific page:
{%if (cmscontext.currentpageinfo.documentname == "Text search") { "false" } else { "true" }%}

..and this works great. Since I need to hide this webpart on couple of more pages is there any way to add multiple values into this marcro?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/14/2011 2:48:40 AM
RE:Hide webpart on multiple pages

You will need to create a custom macro in which you will check the current document info and return true or false value to show/hide the web part according to the document.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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gliker-inorbital - 2/14/2011 3:09:21 PM
RE:Hide webpart on multiple pages
Thanks Jurajo,

I will leave this one to developers.