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gliker-inorbital - 1/27/2011 11:44:14 AM
Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

We are using 5.5 for our new project and client asked how he can change image properties when image is inserted into content. For example, he would like to add 10px left padding to the right aligned image.

I know this is possible to achieve by writing css code into "advanced > style" field in the image insert window but we can't expect our clients to learn css. Also horizontal space and vertical space fields are not good because they add spacing on both sides.

Is there any plugin or easier way to specify image spacing? Maybe something like vertical and horizontal space fields but with 4 separate fields all image 4 sides?


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gliker-inorbital - 1/28/2011 4:28:18 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

How your guys add padding around images if no one doesn't have suggestion? What I'm missing?

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dima - 1/29/2011 3:06:53 AM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites
Well, I don't usually allow users to insert images directly into the fck editor. I even disabled that feature.
So if a client wants to have a opportunity to add some text with an image to the page, I just develop a web part with two editable areas - text and image. And the webpart would have all the information regarding paddings and other css rules.
This way helps the website to be consistent on every page so the user wouldn't be able to screw the layout by placing images wherever they want.

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gliker-inorbital - 1/31/2011 9:40:22 AM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites
Thanks for the reply Dima,

Unfortunately your solution doesn't work in this case since I need to provide flexibility to clent.

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dima - 1/31/2011 9:49:52 AM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites
you can try to play with page layouts it terms of having different css class names set in some outer container and then just apply .clasname img{padding:10px;}
How exactly is the html editor placed on the page? Is it a part of the template? Is it a web part?

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gliker-inorbital - 2/1/2011 10:36:21 AM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites
Hi Dima,

Editor is "editable text" webpart added into template. I was thinking about adding classes but then again, I was expecting FCK to be able to edit at least basic image properties like margin and padding. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any plugin that would help, so I guess client will have to deal with lack of basic content properties. Not something I was expecting to find in CMS like Kentico since some free CMS solutions have superior image property editors compared to this one.

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dima - 2/1/2011 1:25:49 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites
I can only think about creating different web part container with preassigned css class names - so depending on the selected container for the webpart a different margin would be applied...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 2/15/2011 5:35:41 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

Thank you all for this discussion.
The dialog we use in WYSIWYG (FCK) editor - Insert image or media - allows only symetric space setting.
We generally prefer using CSS stylesheets for maintaining the visual consistency.

Sometimes, the requirement needs to allow manual padding or margin control.
I have forwarded this discussion and your feedback to our product manager and developers.
We are preparing many improvements into version 6 for the WYSIWYG Editor, so we may consider adding something like that as well.


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gliker-inorbital - 2/16/2011 8:08:08 AM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

Thanks for reply. I believe images are equally important part of content just as text is. That's why I like to give our clients option to have freedom to position image as they like. Just like they are able to mess up page design by adding their own text styles using FCK editor they will be able to do the same with images too but this is educational process that we have to do almost every time, to help client understand what the benefits and drawbacks are of using styles out of css stylesheet.

I would like to suggest one more features to consider for v6, and I'm ofter asked about it. It's image caption. Quite often client want's to add image description underneath but that's not possible to achieve right now, at least not in easy way.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 2/16/2011 2:23:58 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

What image description do you exactly mean, the alt attribute? How do you set it now (the not easy way)?

Could you please also send a link to some example of cms WYSIWYG Editor that allows user friendly manipulation with image properties/ placement, so I could forward it for consideration?

Thank you in advance.


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gliker-inorbital - 2/16/2011 2:42:00 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

This is example from other CMS we are using for smaller projects where you can see how they added options for setting margins for image. Those are later converted into inline css styles.

User image

And by image caption I'm referring to something like this:

User image

This is screenshot from project we are just building.

To achieve this in Kentico I added short jQuery code which extracts title attribute from image and place it under image as a caption. Then image and caption block are wrapped inside new div which has the same alignment attribute as image so if client set image to be left aligned caption will follow. Title attribute is called Tooltip in Kentico so I'm looking now how to rename this to Caption to make it easier for client.

Hope this helps.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 2/21/2011 12:26:34 PM
RE:Inserting image using FCK - adding properites

Thanks for that.
I have forwarded this info to our developers and product manager so they could consider adding this to some of the future versions.
