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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > UI Personalization Question - Bug or by Design? View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
spengelly - 2/25/2011 1:48:35 PM
UI Personalization Question - Bug or by Design?
I am building a site in Kentico 5.5.3996 and have some questions about the UI Personalization. I followed these steps and still can't edit/change the Template of a page using the CMS Desk Administrator role.

• Log in to Kentico as the Global Administrator
• Go to the administration tab > UI Personalization
• Select the CMS Desk Administrator Role and the content module
• When I expand the tree I see that under Properties > Template > all boxes are checked (save as new template, inherit template, clone template as ad-hoc, edit template, modify shared templates, inherit content). So it appears that CMS Desk Administrator should be able to select and save a new template, etc.

When I log in as a user who has the role of CMS Desk Administrator (and no other role, but "Is editor" is checked) and do the following:
• Go to the content tab
• select a page from the site tree
• select the properties tab and
• select the template sub tab. I don't have the ability to select a new template, save a new template, inherit template, clone a template or edit a template.

One would think that since all of these options are checked off in UI Personalization for that role that they would be able to do that? Is this a bug or something else by design?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/25/2011 4:27:39 PM
RE:UI Personalization Question - Bug or by Design?

You need to allow the desk administrators role with design web site permissions in Administration -> Permissions section, select Permissions matrix - Content and check the "Design web site" for appropriate role.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus