Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > What is the size of individual website? View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 2/23/2011 6:41:52 PM
What is the size of individual website?

We are having 10 websites running under one setup of kentico.

We would like to know which website is taking how much disk space?
Also how much space is that website taking in the database?

Is it possible to find out for individual websites?

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/1/2011 3:40:36 PM
RE:What is the size of individual website?

If you want total size of all sites, you can simply see size of your project folder and database on SQL server. However when having all sites within one instance (database), data are mixed and proper tables contain data of all objects for all sites, so there is no easy way how to distinguish that.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik