Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Comment Detail layout View modes: 
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areece - 3/8/2011 10:22:09 AM
Comment Detail layout
I'm adding a Blog to a site that is apart of a shared Kentico instance, so there are other sites in this instance using the Blog module.

Is modifying the \CMSModules\Blogs\Controls\BlogCommentDetail.ascx the only way to change the layout of the comments? Only one of the sites in the instance needs a special layout for the comments.

I'm hoping there is a way to use a transformation for this.


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Chanan - 3/8/2011 6:37:22 PM
RE:Comment Detail layout
Not sure if you can use a transformation, but you could always copy the WebPart, rename it and use the it only on the one site you want another layout.

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Certified Developer 9
Certified Developer 9
charbf-gmail - 3/9/2011 11:24:50 AM
RE:Comment Detail layout

You can change the layout of the webpart if your using in portal mode

there is a tab at the top of the webpart settings

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/9/2011 12:36:49 PM
RE:Comment Detail layout

you could clone the Comment view web part and clone all controls which are referenced in the inner code of control. Then you can make some changes in the clone of the mentioned BlogCommentDetail control.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova