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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > css list menu webpart View modes: 
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tahir-nrccua - 3/7/2011 12:15:52 PM
css list menu webpart
I am using css list menu webpart and it is workig great. I need to make a change, how can i set it up so that it should pick up items from under "current" parent and nots its location parent. Content -> Path doesnt allow me to do this.

Let me explain the problem:

1. We have audience (3) - Each audience has a group document setup as linked document (from #2). Inside each group, i have appropriate product documents as linked documents (from #3).

2. Then we have groups (5) - a folder that has 5 documents created (ORIGINAL)

3. And then we have products

The group and products has css list menu for which i have currenlty specified their own parent for Content -> Path. How can i change this so that i can make it where the page or group should pick its nav items from under the "audience" and not its own parent? Also, i dont want to create duplicate group or product documents.

If it can't be created via css list menu, i am willing to do it via an inline control that i can drop on groups and products. In the inline control, i can look at the raw url and pick up the audience type and then build the nodes using an api. Once i obtain the nodes i am looking for, whats the best way of biniding these to some control and then also apply selected style. I am familiar with css list menu styles.


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tahir-nrccua - 3/7/2011 12:32:44 PM
RE:css list menu webpart
Can i drop Content -> Path value and instead only use "WHERE"? If yes then how should i build my where?


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tahir-nrccua - 3/7/2011 2:01:18 PM
RE:css list menu webpart
I have written a macro and placed that inside the css list menu Content - Path as {% ProcessCustomMacro("leftnavgroup", "") %}. The macro executes fine and returns the right path back also but nothing gets displayed.

Before replacing the path with macro, it was like /page/audience/group/%. I copied the same over to macro and also tried it with

~/page/audience/group/% and

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/7/2011 6:40:33 PM
RE:css list menu webpart

Is it working as you needed now? Also, I am not sure if you are aware of the path expressions you can use in the Path property.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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tahir-nrccua - 3/8/2011 1:19:35 PM
RE:css list menu webpart
Macro worked for me, setit up without ~ or virtual folder name. just started it with /.