2/11/2013 3:48:38 PM
RE:Hide URL fields on the message board module
My apologies.
The approach is different for version 5.x.
You will need to edit the following file:
To remove the fields, you need to hide each field and label, disable the required field validation, remove the error message for the field, and not add the field to a validation group.
For example, to remove the name field, do the following:
1. Within the SetupControls method, add the following lines:
lblUserName.Visible = false; txtUserName.Visible = false; rfvUserName.Enabled = false;
2. Comment out these lines: rfvUserName.ErrorMessage = ResHelper.GetString("board.messageedit.rfvusername"); ... txtUserName.ValidationGroup = valGroup; rfvUserName.ValidationGroup = valGroup;
The name field should no longer be required.