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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > newsletter on-line version View modes: 
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g.cestrone-gmail - 1/11/2013 8:22:08 AM
newsletter on-line version
i’ve just developed my first newsletter using templates tools (Editable Regions, Macros).
I would like to insert a link to an on-line version.
I’ve read some threads in the kentico forum in which you suggest to make a dynamic newsletter to solve this question.
I’ve tried the way you suggested but now some of our custom macros don’t work anymore, please let me know if there’s another way (or web part) to make this page.
Thank you

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/14/2013 3:35:35 AM
RE:newsletter on-line version

You need to choose either static newsletter and you can use macros - since you have the subscriber context available or, the dynamic newsletter where you have it basically on the web page - but then the visitor is just a public user and you do not have the subscriber context to use the macros.

Or, you can create a custom functionality - the link to the live page from the e-mail will contain e.g. a querystring with the subscriber ID which you can read on the page and personalize the content. However, this requires customization.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus