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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > FCKEditor View modes: 
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kalle-internetbudget - 3/1/2011 9:54:16 PM
Any suggestions on what to use instead of FCKEditor.

I think that the FCKEditor s***s. I have been working with it for several years but i have never found a good way to put in the text.
I have tried to write the text in word, then copy and paste. I have done the same thing with several html editors but i have never found a good way to do it. Since FCKEditor always make a mess of things this is really annoying.
Is there anybody that can give some suggestions on how to do it?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/14/2011 9:49:17 AM

Do you have the same problem when copy/paste text from Word e.g. via Notepad, or paste it into editable region via "Paste as plain text" or "Paste from Word" buttons? Please note problem can be in format used by Word, so it is good to clear it from this format before entering to FCK editor.

However, there will be a new editor (CKEditor) instead of current FCKEditor in upcoming version 6.0, so I believe it will solve your problem (which you did not specify exactly). Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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dima - 3/15/2011 2:40:47 AM
The editor I used to use in other CMSes before I started using Kentico is tinymce. But I have to admit that FCKEditor is very good as well. At least html it generates is alright.

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Chanan - 3/15/2011 6:49:04 AM
Hopefully CKEditor will be slightly better when that ships with Kentico 6. However, writing HTML in word is notoriously bad. The paste from word option helps a bit, but still...

When I don't care too much how to the html looks I use the editor, but if it really matters, I usually write the html myself in Visual Studio or Dreamweaver and paste the html via the source button.

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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 3/15/2011 1:18:59 PM
My irritation with the editor is that it re-writes the HTML constantly. I know it is made for non-developers, but as one coming from Dreamweaver, I usually go straight to the source code to work. But as soon as I save, the editor has made drastic changes, and not always for the better.

The syntax checking it does it nice, but if it finds anything incorrect, it simply erases it with no notice, losing your work. Is this a customizable setting?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/16/2011 5:03:30 AM

I would need to know what exactly do you mean and how can I reproduce this issue. However, please note that FCKEditor is not made by Kentico, it is 3rd party component, which will be replaced by FCEditor in version 6.0. You may find more info about CKEditor here: http://ckeditor.com/

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik