Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Is it possible to add Codebehind to a Document Transfrom? View modes: 
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Jason - 3/28/2011 6:13:44 PM
Is it possible to add Codebehind to a Document Transfrom?
I am just wandering is it possible to add a Codebehind file to a Document transform?

I know you can use a user control, but it would be kind of nice as you could then keep it all in Kentico :)



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dima - 3/29/2011 1:42:33 AM
RE:Is it possible to add Codebehind to a Document Transfrom?
you can just write
<script runat='server'>
// some code

just inside the transformation and implement server logic there if you want.