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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Document Selector Field - Default / Restrict to starting node View modes: 
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Certified Developer 11
Certified Developer 11
lee-craftedmedia - 3/20/2011 6:49:28 PM
Document Selector Field - Default / Restrict to starting node
Is it possible to add a document selector field and restrict selection to a node e.g. /Articles, so that when a user selects the field in the form tab, it opens the treeview with the starting node already preselected e.g. /articles and restricted to that node as the start point?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/28/2011 2:46:06 PM
RE:Document Selector Field - Default / Restrict to starting node

Do you want to restrict the tree by user's permissions or you want to have it hard-coded to some particular node for every user?

If it is the second case, I would recommend to create a copy of the document selector form control and change its behavior in the code behind according to your needs (/CMSModules/Content/FormControls/Documents/selectdocument.ascx and related javascripts too).

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus