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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Global Setting for Automatic Friend Approval View modes: 
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giraffe - 3/29/2011 2:59:12 PM
Global Setting for Automatic Friend Approval
Does Kentico have a global setting so the friends are automatically approved? More like the "Follow" feature that Twitter has. Approval is not required.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 3/31/2011 6:46:09 AM
RE:Global Setting for Automatic Friend Approval

only global administrators and users with the Manage permission for the Friends module can use this check-box (Automatically approve), which creates the requested friendship without the other user's approval; not available on the live site.

To achieve your goal, you could:

1. Grant everyone role with manage permission for Friends module. But this is not suggested.

2. Create a custom webpart, in which you will approve friends automatically using methods from:
CMS.Community.FriendInfoProvider class (e.g. SetFriendInfo method)

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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giraffe - 3/31/2011 12:42:01 PM
RE:Global Setting for Automatic Friend Approval
Thanks. Why is #1 not recommended.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 4/1/2011 2:24:11 PM
RE:Global Setting for Automatic Friend Approval

members of the role with the Manage permission can manage Friends of particular users in CMS Desk -> Administration -> Users. So you need to decide if you would like to grant users with this permission. Everybody with access to Administration section of CMS Desk will be able to manage friends.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova