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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation View modes: 
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Darren - 3/8/2011 9:19:16 PM
ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
It it possible to switch off Billing Address as it is not relevant - we just need the shipping address. How do we change the text labels? I need Post Code not ZIP code.

Can we remove the country selector as we only offer shipping to one country?

WE do not wish to log customer details as generally they are one off purchases so everyone is going to be treated as anonymous customers even if they are returning.

Can we switch off the other options?

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dima - 3/10/2011 3:10:09 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
Just wanted to say that I would like to know how to do those things too.

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dima - 3/10/2011 3:41:36 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
I think I've found out it.
If you want to use the default check out process and default web parts - you can just browse the folder CMSModules\Ecommerce\Controls\ShoppingCart and see which localization keys used for different steps of the workflow (i.e. Order_new.ShoppingCartOrderAddresses.Title) Then you can change the values of these keys in the system.

If you want to use your own workflow with bespoke webparts/controls you can just go to CMSDesk - Tools - E-commerce-Configuration - Store Settings - Checkout Process and implement whatever you want.

Hope that helps

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Darren - 3/10/2011 11:13:17 PM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
Thanks dima,

In relation to the ZIP label:

Under CMS Site Manager > Development > UI cultures > Culture edit > Strings tab:

I added a string for ShoppingCartOrderAddresses.BillingZIP (obtained from ShoppingCartOrderAddresses.ascx.cs).

I've modifed most of the other files and basically added Visible="false" to most which seems to have taken care of what I needed.

I forced the anonymous radio button to checked rather then the sign in default and also made that invisible.

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dima - 3/11/2011 1:51:43 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
Did you have to customize the application so it would calculate the VAT on the first step of the order pipeline?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/16/2011 2:32:09 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation

We did solve it in support ticket. Let me post here code you use for this task. Maybe some other customer may use it as well.

The code is placed in ShoppingCartContent.ascx.cs, ReloadData() method:

protected void ReloadData()
foreach (DataRow row in ShoppingCartInfoObj.ShoppingCartContentTable.Rows)
row["Tax"] = Convert.ToDouble(row["SKUPrice"]) * 0.20;
// (...)

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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dima - 3/16/2011 2:40:13 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation
Hi Radek,

Looks like a code I've sent to the tech support :) Anyway - did you apply the fix across the whole order pipeline? Because I've noticed that the tax is recalculated on the other steps and the fix should be copied in other files related to the ordering.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/6/2011 8:21:27 AM
RE:ECommerce Billing/Shipping/Anonymous/Localisation

Yes, it is the code :)

The problem is that this code works, however it changed (recalculated again) in later steps, as you mentioned. The reason is that EvaluateShoppingCart() method is called in every step (so you have still actual prices) and this method recalculated it again.

To avoid this, you would need to re-write this method, which can be done via CustomEcommerceProvider.

You can find more info here:

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik