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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Buy one, get second half price View modes: 
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david-gary-archer - 3/1/2011 5:13:11 AM
Buy one, get second half price
Hi all,

I have created a custom ecommerce provider to try to reproduce a 'buy one get second half price' type system. This will apply to all product types, and will be applied straight away (not just at checkout, though obviously at checkout too). This does mean if you buy three, only the cheapest is half price, but if you buy four, the cheapest two will be half price.

I know that I'll need to do some work in the EvaluateShoppingCartContent method, but I'm not really sure where to start. Is there any documentation or anything like that which will help me, or could somebody give me a little guidance?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/6/2011 2:42:47 PM
RE:Buy one, get second half price

To comment this thread-- we're trying to find some solution for this aim (also in direct email conversation with David).
With source code, this would be feasible, however without it, the process uses some "hacks" to change the data after the shopping cart evaluation and it is still not satisfactorily resolved yet.

I will post some further details when there's any working progress.
