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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Random website errors (temporary asp.net files) View modes: 
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michael-thefamousgroup.com - 6/1/2010 9:03:20 PM
Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)

On all our Kentico websites we find that randomly they throw up temporary asp.net file errors like this one:

Error loading the layout 'lt']
c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\9d9b5c48\91cd57a\App_Web_toplogoandmenu.ascx.bede8003.updek_ea.0.cs(210): error CS0012: The type 'Global' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'App_Code.16iqxx_x, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Does anyone else experience issues like this and have a way of fixing the issue. Is it a Kentico issue or a hosting/server issue?


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gavin.eggheaddesign - 6/2/2010 2:50:33 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
Hi Michael

I think we have had similar issues in the past due to a temporary lack of space on the server when the site compiles. You could try clearing the folder '91cd57a' out and then re-start the website so that the compile can complete, resulting in your website coming back up.

This is my understanding of it though - would suggest waiting for one of the Kentico people to write a response as well just to confirm or correct me.



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aezzell-gpworldwide - 6/4/2010 8:33:31 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
I had the same error message just now when trying to install Kentico on our development server. I stopped IIS, deleted the temporary ASP.NET files, restarted, and now the site is working <knock wood>.

I, too, will be interested to see what Kentico has to say about this.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/7/2010 3:43:46 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)

This is common .Net framework error - it happens sometimes that some of the files in the cache are not up-to-date and are causing issues during the compilation. So, clearing the cache will invoke new compilation and new data are loaded into the cache.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/6/2010 3:40:55 PM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
Hi Michael,

Regrettably, this is general .NET issue that occasionally occurs when site is compiled. You can solve this issue by deleting content of "c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\" folder.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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jonathanleach-ath.forthnet - 8/27/2010 2:19:34 PM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
This is happening quite a lot to me, deleting the cache always resolves the issue but how can I stop it happening in the first place?

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michael-thefamousgroup.com - 8/27/2010 7:31:45 PM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
Hey Jonathan - We've also only been able to get the "this is a typical .NET issue" response from Kentico and it got to the point where we were considering not using Kentico due to this - it was happening quite frequently to all our Kentico run clients and it was not reflecting well on us.

We read somewhere about disc space on the server may cause this error as there wasn't enough room to compile the file - we're not sure if this is true or not, but we have a) increased our server allowance for each site and b) compacted the transaction logs on the server for each database. Since we have done this (touch wood) we haven't experienced this problem since - it has only been a few weeks so it's too early to tell if this is a long-term solution or not.

If you hear of any other solution, please do let us know.


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jonathanleach-ath.forthnet - 8/28/2010 5:16:30 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
Hi Michael, thanks very much for your reply, I'm also considering not using Kentico because of this issue, which is a shame because in most other respects its very good. I'll try increasing the space as you suggest.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/29/2010 10:21:15 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)

If you could observe some kind of pattern what changes are made or what is done before the error occur, it can help us to find out the reason.

However, this happens often during the development when a lot of files are changes, removed, there are lots of compilations, etc. So in that amount of restarts and re-compilation it happens that something is not compiled correctly and then there is an inconsistence of data in cache.

Also, this happens if you are adding dlls to the GAC and then you rebuild/upgrade the project or solution - the versions in cache are not matching the versions of dlls in GAC.

There are also many articles and post to be found on Google about "CS0012" errors.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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michael-thefamousgroup.com - 4/4/2011 2:32:37 AM
RE:Random website errors (temporary asp.net files)
Hi Jonathan

Did you get any further with this? Did you try increasing the space? We're having a lot of troubles again so would be interested to hear if you had any success.
