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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Selecting New Document Type - View modes: 
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mkrob-bozeman - 3/4/2010 11:12:18 AM
Selecting New Document Type -
I need to insert an "Office" document type but not inculded in menu. (See image)

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I am creating an office info section for individual departments but I am not able to choose the "office" document type. I have went into Administration and added this website to include this document type. What am I missing? Thanks ahead of time.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/4/2010 12:48:27 PM
RE:Selecting New Document Type -

You need to allow your new document type as child type of a document type, under which you want to create it. For example, if you want be able to create a new document of your custom document type under cms.menuitem document type, you need go to Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit cms.menuitem -> Child types and add your custom document type in here.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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v.tankaria-yahoo - 3/29/2011 10:20:45 PM
RE:Selecting New Document Type -
I made a new Document type . i want to select a document to make its parent document . when i clcik on Add New Document Type . nothing comes up . no event is fired . what could be the problem . Please help its urgent

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/7/2011 12:41:36 PM
RE:Selecting New Document Type -

Do you mean when you click "Add document type" button on Child types tab? It is weird, it can be some environment-related issue, since I am not able to reproduce it on my machine (and I can confirm it is not a bug).

Would it be possible to get access to your CMS, so I can investigate it there? If so, please send us an e-mail to support@kentico.com and refer to this forum thread. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik