Hi all,
I am trying to use the lightbox webpart in a transform. When the light box is on the page it ruins some CSS elements on the page and Update Panels stop working and drop downlists lose the ability to drop down?
<lb1:lightbox Visible="true" StopProcessing="false" id="HotelLightBox" runat="server" path="/SiteImages/BaseImages/HotelImages/HotelGalleries/Egypt/SharmElSheikh/FourSeasons/%" pagingmode="QueryString" ClassNames="CMS.File" TransformationName="CMS.File.Lightbox" SelectedItemTransformationName="CMS.File.ImageGallery_detail800" EnablePaging="True" PagerPosition="bottom" PageSize="12" LightBoxOverlayOpacity="0.7" />
any ideas why would this happen?
Also is it possible to be able to assign a media gallery to a custom document.
what I would like to do is allow users to be able to assign a media gallery path to a document so that it can then be displayed with the custom document?