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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Content Staging with Multiple Servers View modes: 
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Armysniper89 - 4/18/2011 9:02:27 AM
Content Staging with Multiple Servers
If I have a development server that send content changes to staging. Staging can also send changes back down to development as my content authors use that server. Then staging can send the changes to production. How can I set up a scheduled task to only send changes from staging to production but not development. Often development is offline as I run it locally. I want the ability for the content changes to go out to the production server though at a certain time each day. I looked at the automated schedule but there appears to be now way to say which server to synch to, which I can do if I run the Content Staging module manually.

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kentico_edwardh - 4/18/2011 11:07:17 AM
RE:Content Staging with Multiple Servers

You would need to make a custom scheduler and then add this to your "Scheduled tasks". Basically your custom scheduler would need to check the ip address, or the name of your server. If the ip address or name matched, your custom scheduler would then sync the changes from staging to production. If the ip address or name did not match, then nothing would be synced. The link below contains a example, please see the section of code "Get the server"

Example Link:
