Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal EngineRecursion Problem View modes: 
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Christian Stampfli - 4/26/2011 6:53:59 AM
Recursion Problem
Hi there

In one of our webpages we want to use a recursive repeater - the problem is that the repeater should go "up" and not - like the default behaviour - down...


/ (Root)
- Image1.jpg
- Image2.jpg
/--- Mainpage1
| | - Image3.jpg
| | - Image4.jpg
| --- Subpage1
| | - Image5.jpg
|--- Mainpage2
| | - Image6.jpg
| --- Subpage2

So if we are on Mainpage1 there should be the following items in our repeater:
Image4, Image3, Image2, Image1

If we are on Subpage1 there should be the following items in our repeater:
Image5, Image4, Image3, Image2, Image1

And if we are on Mainpage 2 there should only be the following items in our repeater:
Image6, Image2, Image1

My first idea was to do this in a transformation which uses another repeater. But the problem is, if I'm on "subpage2" there is no inital-image so the transformation is not executed.

The second idea is to do this with a custom data source / repeater with custom query - but I think this would be very difficult to do because of the way the documents are stored.

So... as far as I can see there is no "normal" way to do this. Has anyone done this before or can someone give me some hints how to do this?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/26/2011 9:11:52 AM
RE:Recursion Problem

You could use the standard Repeater with Path: /% and set up the Where condition. For example:

(NodeLevel = 1) OR (NodeParentID = {%NodeID%}) OR (NodeParentID = {%NodeParentID%})

Please set up the Document types property to images only. More information about Macros is in our Developer's Guide.

The other possibility is using two (or more) repeaters with a Where condition about NodeLevel. You could use the special Path expressions.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Christian Stampfli - 4/26/2011 9:57:22 AM
RE:Recursion Problem
Hi Helena

Thanks for your fast reply. It works perfect!
