Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
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khill-scic - 4/28/2011 10:53:58 PM
newbe question
i am looking for a CMS that will handle subscription based services. We want to allow certain features of the website to be open and others to have logins based upon a subscription. We also want to do RSS feeds and allow writers to add content with a managing editor that publishes the content once it is uploaded. Finally we want to authenticate our users upon initial login from our back end oracle db. is all of this possible with kentico. We tried Expression engine and magento on other websites and it was a nightmare. Thanks for your help.

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Stratego - 5/5/2011 3:01:16 AM
RE:newbe question
I have found Kentico really good and really powerful and flexible.

You should be able to do all you want but you will need to build a custom app to synch the authentication data from Oracle to the Kentico CMS database which runs on MSFT SQL Server.

Kentico might be able to assist with documentation on which tables you would need to update to do this.

Good luck

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/5/2011 9:38:35 AM
RE:newbe question

As Stratego pointed out you can do practically what you want with it and customize it as per your needs since Kentico CMS is standard ASP.NET application.

However, to be more precise to your questions - as for the role based content, there is a built in support for this. Please see details here: Displaying personalized content. Hope this is what you are after.

Regarding the RSS feeds, they can be created easily using the syndication webparts: syndication webparts.

Concerning the publishing query, there is a workflow support which allows the editors do approve document content in multiple steps. Please take a look at it here: Workflow overview

As for the authentication question, it is definitely possible to authenticate user over an external database. You can create a custom security handler for this purpose which will do this job. You can find more details in our Developer's Guide: Custom security handler. At this point, you might find helpful also our API reference: API reference

Hope the above hints will shed some light and you'll be satisfied with Kentico CMS.

Should you have additional questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Best regads
Ondrej Vasil