one more advice: You can take a look at following example with UniView control:
//Create DataSet containing all menu item documents in the system
DataSet ds = TreeHelper.SelectNodes("/%", false, "CMS.MenuItem", "", "NodeLevel, NodeOrder", -1, true);
//Check that the DataSet isn't empty
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
//Create GroupedDataSource from the ds DataSet
GroupedDataSource gpd = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "NodeParentID", "NodeLevel");
//Set RelationColumnID property of the UniView control
this.UniView1.RelationColumnID = "NodeID";
//Bind the DataSet to the UniView control
this.UniView1.DataSource = gpd;
The SelectNodes method returns each document type in a separated table. If you convert it to GroupedDataSource, it will merge the document type tables. Similarly, you can convert any other dataset to GroupedDataSource.
Best regards,
Helena Grulichova