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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting) View modes: 
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Gitesh - 4/7/2011 12:29:21 AM
Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting)
Hi Guys,

There is a serious problem going on in our kentico instance.

We are running on kentico cms 5.5R2.

I am exporting a website and it goes perfect but if I look at the event log for it, then it shows that it hasn't exported the documents. I have double checked that the setting for Documents export is ticked.
When I import this website it doesn't show any documents.
Below is the event log for the export:

The site has been exported to file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Kentico\CMSSiteUtils\Export\buckton.zip.
The file is being compressed
Copying ASPX templates folder
Copying site folders
Copying global folders
Exporting 'License keys' objects
Exporting 'Settings' objects
Exporting 'Settings' objects
Copying 'CSS stylesheets' files
Exporting 'CSS stylesheets' objects
Exporting 'UI cultures' objects
Exporting 'Resource strings' objects
Exporting 'Countries' objects
Copying 'Page layouts' metafiles
Exporting 'Page layouts' objects
Copying 'Page templates' metafiles
Copying 'Page templates' files
Exporting 'Page templates' objects
Exporting 'Cultures' objects
Exporting 'E-mail templates' objects
Exporting 'Relationship names' objects
Exporting 'Scheduled tasks' objects
Copying 'Inline controls' files
Exporting 'Inline controls' objects
Copying 'Web parts' metafiles
Copying 'Web parts' files
Exporting 'Web parts' objects
Copying 'Widgets' metafiles
Exporting 'Widgets' objects
Exporting 'Web part containers' objects
Copying 'Form controls' files
Exporting 'Form controls' objects
Copying 'Modules' files
Exporting 'Modules' objects
Exporting 'System tables' objects
Exporting 'Suppliers' objects
Exporting 'Manufacturers' objects
Exporting 'Tax classes' objects
Exporting 'Departments' objects
Exporting 'Discount coupons' objects
Exporting 'Internal statuses' objects
Exporting 'Public statuses' objects
Exporting 'Order statuses' objects
Exporting 'Currencies' objects
Exporting 'Exchange tables' objects
Exporting 'Products' objects
Copying 'Avatars' avatars
Exporting 'Avatars' objects
Exporting 'Badges' objects
Exporting 'Time zones' objects
Exporting 'Users' objects
Exporting 'Customers' objects
Copying 'Document types' files
Exporting 'Document types' objects
Exporting 'Web site' objects
Exporting 'Roles' objects
Exporting 'Page template scopes' objects
Exporting 'Page template scopes' objects
Exporting 'Scheduled tasks' objects
Exporting 'Workflows' objects
Exporting 'Tag groups' objects
Exporting 'Content categories' objects
Exporting 'Document aliases' objects
Exporting 'Document categories' objects
Exporting 'Blog comments' objects
Exporting 'Event attendees' objects
Exporting 'Attachment histories' objects
Exporting 'Version histories' objects
Exporting 'Document relationships' objects
Copying 'Attachment' files
Exporting 'Attachment' objects
Exporting 'ACLs' objects
Exporting 'Documents' objects
Exporting BizForm 'Buckton - Contact Form' data
Exporting 'BizForms' objects
Exporting 'Reports' objects
Exporting media library 'images' file objects
Exporting 'Media libraries' objects
Exporting 'Bad words' objects
Exporting 'Notification gateways' objects
Exporting 'Notification templates' objects
Exporting 'Project status' objects
Exporting 'Task priority' objects
Exporting 'Task status' objects
Exporting 'Smart search indexes' objects

I have tried it in different browsers. File Permissions hasn't been changed.

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/7/2011 3:48:11 PM
RE:Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting)

You surely mean that you enabled "Export documents" setting under Web site -> Documents node, in Step 2 - Objects selection, in export process, am I right? According to log you provided it seems that documents have been exported, since there is following line within your log:

Exporting 'Documents' objects

Maybe the problem is somewhere else, than they are not included within your export package. What exactly do you mean by "website it doesn't show any documents," please? Do you mean they are missing even in document tree in CMSDesk, or they contain no context? Did you do export / import between the same version of Kentico CMS? Thank you in advance for clarification.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Gitesh - 4/7/2011 5:14:35 PM
RE:Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting)
Hi Radek,

Both the instance of kentico are on 5.5R2 with latest hotfix 2.16.
Yes the Export documents option was ticked.

I am sending you the login for both the kentico instances.
It might be possible that the export is fine but the import is having any problems.

It doesn't show any documents in the Document Tree...

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 5/2/2011 8:04:59 AM
RE:Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting)

After deep investigation I believe I found what the problem was. You have documents of page.menuitem document type on your page, but this document was not assigned to your site. You probably unassigned this document type from your site after you created documents based on it. This caused issue during export / import procedure and documents, based on this un-assigned document type was not transferred.

Could you please try it now with last export package I made? It should works. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 5/2/2011 4:23:55 PM
RE:Serious problem in Exporting the website(douments not exporting)
Hi Radek,

You were really helpful through out the whole process.
Very good support from Radek.

Gitesh Shah