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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > How do I return the document type of the current node? View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
emarchioni-ecentricarts - 5/13/2011 9:31:16 AM
How do I return the document type of the current node?
I have several custom document types and I need to retrieve the Document Type value of the current node.

I've tried using the following, but both return nothing.


How do I return the document type of the current node?

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joeh42 - 5/13/2011 3:34:36 PM
RE:How do I return the document type of the current node?
I believe you are looking for CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeClassName, which will return your custom document type (i.e. custom.Event).

CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeDocType will return something like cms.page, and not the custom document type you are looking for