Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Do I need to purchase a source code license to create webparts? View modes: 
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natalya - 5/9/2011 5:27:04 PM
Do I need to purchase a source code license to create webparts?
Do we need to purchase a source code license to create webparts? My understanding is that we don't, but I want to be sure. How about more deeply integrated additions, such as the single-signon option for Kentico and an existing site - do these require a copy of the source code, or can they be developed without one?

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kentico_michal - 5/10/2011 3:49:04 AM
RE:Do I need to purchase a source code license to create webparts?

Yes, can create custom web parts, even if you are using free license of Kentico CMS.

In terms of the single sign-on feature, I would like to point you to the following article: Single sign-on

Best regards,
Michal Legen