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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > events personalization View modes: 
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navas13-gmail - 6/22/2010 12:07:33 AM
events personalization
hi everyone

i always get the best advices for kentico here thanks, i want to create a event with the basic event calendar but i want to put the list of events below the calendar and i want to when the user click over the event on the list i want to display the details on the right in other control i don't to display below the calendar like happens always, also i want to display the link of each day on the calendar for filter the events by day, thks


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/24/2010 1:26:13 AM
RE:events personalization

This can be achievet by using set of repeaters and different page templates for the "main" page with calendar and events list (repeater set e.g. to filter this week/day events) and if the user clicks on the link, the detailed page of the event would use different page template without calendar or the same tempalte where the calendar will be hidden.

Best regards,
Jurajj Ondrus

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snehadonthi-gmail - 5/10/2011 6:07:16 AM

Can you explain me in detail as how can we achieve listing all the events associated to the calender? I'm beginner to the kentico.

Have used "Events List" template to show the upcoming events and previous events but couldnt see any of the events associated to the calendar.


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gavin-quantock - 8/5/2010 11:04:49 AM
RE:events personalization
Did you get anywhere with this? I need to do a similar thing. How do you go about setting up the filter by week?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/11/2010 5:16:56 AM
RE:events personalization

Could you please specify with more details what exactly you need?

In general, when some week button is clicked, you can add some query string parameter to the URL e.g. with the week number and then read the parameter value in the where condition property using query string macro.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus