Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Articlelist like CategoryList Webpart View modes: 
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alexo - 5/17/2011 9:00:27 AM
Articlelist like CategoryList Webpart
Hi everyone,

as the forum members always give great advice - i am back again ;)

i want to display a list of articles and if a single article is selected only this one should be displayed. Also the list should be available and the current article be highlighted (like a navigation).

i thought about using the articlelist like a categorylist and transfer the ID to the repeater Webpart.

Is there a possabilty to use an article list with repeater like categoryList (categoryID -> repeater) so that i can display only the selected article but the list is still available?

or is there an other solution which i can't figure out at the moment?

thx for help