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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > How to create a document in cms desk via aspx code View modes: 
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aneeshsiva-gmail - 5/16/2011 8:55:37 AM
How to create a document in cms desk via aspx code
I need to create a new document in cms desk via code I tried the following method

But I cant see the created document in the cms desk (I dont know whether the document is created or not). Is there is anything more to do with my existing code.

//Create the instance for the TreeProvider class
CMS.TreeEngine.TreeProvider provider = new CMS.TreeEngine.TreeProvider(CMS.

//Get the Parent node for the new document
CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode parent = provider.SelectSingleNode(CMS.CMSHelper.
CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/MyNews", "en-us");

//Create a new Tree node at the specified
CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node = new TreeNode("cms.news", provider);
if (parent != null)

//Now set the properties for the document if the parent node found
node.NodeName = "MyFirstNews";
node.NodeAlias = "MyFirstNews";
node.SetValue("DocumentCulture", "en-us");
node.SetValue("NewsTitle", "MyFirstNewsTitle");
node.SetValue("NewsSummary", "My First News Summary.");
node.SetValue("NewsText", "My First News Text.");
node.SetValue("NewsReleaseDate", DateTime.Now);

//Now insert the document at the proper place New document


Regards: Aneesh Sivan

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lancetek - 5/16/2011 9:09:21 AM
RE:How to create a document in cms desk via aspx code
Maybe try using the CMS.WorkflowEngine.DocumentHelper.InsertDocument method?