Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal EngineSetting up simple calendar View modes: 
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eprado-oldsecond - 5/11/2011 12:03:41 PM
Setting up simple calendar
Hi all,

I have just been nominated to help out our marketing department wtih our Kentico Internet site...so I am very new to this...please bear with me.

Marketing was trying to create an events page based on a template, but were not able to edit any information on the page. I was eventually able to figure out the security settings and now have the ability to edit web parts/layout. However, I can't figure out how to get the events to show up on the calendar.

We have the calendar web part on the events page, I then select that events page under the "Content" tab of my CMS Desk. Once selected, I click on the "New" button and select "Event" as the document type. I then fill the event information form (making sure Publishing From is "Now", and Publishing To is days from today), and click "Save".

I then click on the "Live site" button to view the event, but it doesn't show up. I'm sure there is some parameter that I am missing somewhere, to tell the calendar where to look for the event, but I can't figure it out, and can't find it in the documentation, or the forums.

Any and all help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 5/12/2011 6:18:31 AM
RE:Setting up simple calendar

You need to configure the calendar correctly to display events from the given location. Please check the properties of the web part, especially the "Path" property (sample value: /PageUnderWhichAreEvents/%) and "Day field" property (sample value: EventDate). I would recommend you to check out the configuration of the web parts on our sample corporate site, which can be installed in CMSSiteManager / Sites / New site wizard / Use web site template / Corporate sample site. There is a section dedicated to events under the page called Events.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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steddie1 - 5/13/2011 8:26:55 AM
RE:Setting up simple calendar

Thanks for the reply. I tried creating a new site, using the Corporate sample site template, as you suggested. However, every time I try creating the site, it doesn't display any information from the template site. It seems to be importing some files from our own corporate web site...like a master page or something (again, I am new to this), and doesn't show us any content from the sample corporate site. I have tried installing this multiple times and without doing any importing, and get the same results. Isn't there any place I can get detailed information on how to configure a web part? All I can find is what you had given me a link to "properties of the web part", but there is no explanation as to how those propertie fields work.

Thanks again,

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 5/16/2011 9:10:51 AM
RE:Setting up simple calendar

That's odd. Anyway, here are the explanations of the settings and setup:

We need the Event calendar web part and Events. You need to configure the Event calendar to search the correct subtree of your content tree. For example, let's say you have the following content tree:

Root /
- Page A
- - Page A1 <- Let's say you have the Event calendar placed here

- Page B
- - Page B1 <- As you can see, the events are under the path Root/Page B/Page B1
- - - Event1
- - - Event2
- - - Event3

- - Page B2

- Page C

In this case you would need to set the Path of the Event calendar to "/Page B/Page B1/%". The "/%" at the end states to select all children under this path.

The Events (Event1-3) are of the type Event or Event (Booking system). For additional details you can check also the following screenshots:

Added "new" event
Web part properties of the Event calendar

The transformation names are "CMS.BookingEvent.EventCalendarItem" and "CMS.BookingEvent.CalendarNoEvent".

In general, the transformation enables you to format the output of your web part.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko