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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Blog Tags View modes: 
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danuta.welz-tatukgis - 5/10/2010 4:47:42 AM
Blog Tags
I have some problems with blogs. I can enter tags, however if I later click "Select" to select form the list of alredy used tags list is always empty: "no tags found".


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/18/2010 8:38:29 AM
RE:Blog Tags

Could you please let us know what hotfix for version 5.0 have you applied?

Where exactly are you experiencing this behavior? Is it on the Form tab? Or within the document's Properties -> Metadata tab?

Could you please check whether the CMS_Tag table contains the tags you've saved? Moreover please take a look if the TagGroupID in this table links correctly particular Tag group (according to this ID).

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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gatsby0121 - 5/8/2011 6:06:29 AM
RE:Blog Tags
I am experiencing this as well, in the form tab. When I check CMS_Tag, the table is empty, yet I have documents created which have Tag names in them, but the selector states that there are no previously used tags.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 5/17/2011 5:39:41 PM
RE:Blog Tags

The selector shows existing tags of any other existing documents. Previously used and removed tags are not listed here.
Are you sure you have the CMS_Tag table empty and still see some tagged documents? This sounds strange..

Also, which version are you currently using? Any hotfixes applied?


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danuta.welz-tatukgis - 5/18/2011 3:59:19 AM
RE:Blog Tags
It can be similiar problem to my. I found the reason in transformation.

Tags are linked in Selected Item Transformation (repeater - cms.blogpost.Default). There was problem. The path "~/Blogs/My-blog-1.aspx", which is written there was wrong, because my blogs use another path. It was necessary to change this path to propper one - in my project it was "~/Blogs/General.aspx",

Danuta Welz