Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Retrieve menu caption from UI Culture View modes: 
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asovrano-opera21 - 4/15/2013 10:24:24 AM
Retrieve menu caption from UI Culture
I need to translate an international site into a new chienese one. There are some strings in english culture that I can translate in a new chinese culture but ...
I'd like to do the same thing even for all links to menu items; is it possible to fill in the document menu caption property with some kind of variable so to retrieve the translation dinamically from Chinese UI Culture translation instead of hard coding it in the document property ?
Thank you very much for your help. Kind Regards. Andrea

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 4/16/2013 7:49:37 AM
RE:Retrieve menu caption from UI Culture

Yes, this is possible using localization macros or in-place localization macros:

Macro expressions

In your case you can use the in-place localization macro right in the Menu caption property like this:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann