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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Employee Intranet Portal - How to Handle Employee Vacation Requests View modes: 
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kommand - 5/31/2011 8:45:56 AM
Employee Intranet Portal - How to Handle Employee Vacation Requests
Hi all,
I'm configuring a new Intranet Web Portal starting from the default template and I'm trying to setup a functionality to handle Employee Vacation Requests.

The obvious process is:
1. employee make the request on the web portal using a form indicating date and reason..
2. the employer approve/denies it from a pending requests page
3. Every action causes a notification email
4. Ativation of a department Calendar page with the list of unavailable employee

Which is the best and simple way to solve it?

Thanks a lot

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 5/31/2011 5:32:16 PM
RE:Employee Intranet Portal - How to Handle Employee Vacation Requests

The requests could be handled by standard BizForm, notification could go to admin/employer, who can then use some custom module interface to proceed with the submitted data.
You could for example create a task for the vacation (devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/project_management_managing_projects.htm).
Regrettably, there is no special feature for vacations in the Intranet portal solution right now.

Our product managers considering this for future versions. It could be a nice feature.
