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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET) View modes: 
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ars - 6/6/2011 3:42:37 AM
CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)
Hi everyone,

Can you tell how I can make imported role same as CMS Editors?
I've copied all permissions from Administration->Permission of CMS Editor to my custom role. But this role doesnt hove access to Desk Mode.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 6/6/2011 3:46:33 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)

to have an access to CMS Desk the user has to have checked option Is Editor in the Site Manager - Administration - Users - edit <user> - General tab.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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ars - 6/6/2011 4:01:29 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)
Hi Ivana,
Thanks for reply.
Unfortnatelly it doesn.t work

These sre user's properties

User image

And UI

User image

As you see there is no link to CMS Desk

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/6/2011 4:06:33 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)

Could you please check UI personalization settings as well? You can find them in Site Manager / Administration / UI personalization section. Here, you can choose given role, choose "CMS Desk" module and enable proper sections (Content, My desk, Tools, Administration).

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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ars - 6/6/2011 4:52:11 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)
Thaks for reply.
Pls see below:
User image

I've checked all options copying from CMS EDitors role but without any results...

Do you have any idea?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/6/2011 5:01:46 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)

I see now. So the problem is that you don´t have a link to CMS Desk on your site. Well, you can add proper web part on your page and display these links (to CMSDesk and CMSSiteManager), or you can open it manually.

If you want do it via web part, you can use Static text web part with following code:

<div style="border: 1px solid #cecfce;background:#f7f3ef;color:#555555;font-weight:bold;padding: 3px;font-size:10px;text-align:center">Sign in to <a href="~/CMSPages/logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=~/cmsdesk/default.aspx&username=administrator">CMS Desk</a>. Sign in to <a href="~/CMSPages/logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=~/cmssitemanager/default.aspx&username=administrator">CMS Site Manager</a>. The default account is administrator with blank password.</div>

(please note I used example class, which can be changed according to your needs).

If you choose manual approach, you can access CMSDesk like domain.com/CMSDesk (just add /CMSDesk after your domain name).

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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ars - 6/6/2011 5:10:01 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)
Thanks for reply.

The problem is not that I can't The the link.
Problem is that I can't enter to http://intranetprd.domain.com/cmsdesk/default.aspx
I'm getting
"You have no access to edit content" error.
After i copied all permission properties of CMS Editor role to my custom role

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/6/2011 5:20:08 AM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)

I am sorry. I was confused by what you wrote in your last message - "As you see there is no link to CMS Desk." Anyway, if this user is marked as external user, I suppose you are using some custom security provider to authenticate this user, am I right? Also I suppose the user is authenticated successfully, since you can see her name on live site (according to screenshot you provided).

Would it be possible to grant me with access to your CMS with a global admin account, and also given user credentials, so I can investigate the problem? If so, please send us an e-mail to support@kentico.com and refer to this forum post. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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ars - 6/6/2011 10:09:45 PM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)
Thanks for Reply

Radek we've scheduled a meeting with another consultant using our credits.
We will address this issue to him. Thank you.

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ars - 6/6/2011 10:11:03 PM
RE:CSM Editors permissions (INTRANET)

We've scheduled a meeting with another consultant using our credits.
We will address this issue to him. Thanks.