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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Quick Time Movies Do Not Scale to Fit Player Dimensions View modes: 
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dlents-coleyfederal - 6/15/2011 11:31:25 AM
Quick Time Movies Do Not Scale to Fit Player Dimensions
The MediaHelper.GetAudioVideo(avParams) function returns the embed string without the 'scale="tofit"' parameter.

GetAudioVideo() is called from:

- CMSInlineControls\MediaControl.ascx.cs in the CreateMedia() function
- CMSModules\MediaLibrary\Controls\LiveControls\MediaFilePreview.ascx.cs in the ReloadData() function.

Hopefully, the next release of Kentico CMS will add the 'scale="tofit' parameter in the GetAudioVideo function.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/17/2011 7:45:41 AM
RE:Quick Time Movies Do Not Scale to Fit Player Dimensions

I've created a requirement for the next version and if there is a time frame and it won't cause any issues, it should get implemented.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko