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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Captcha fails on Logon form View modes: 
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Nick.Robinson - freelance computing - 6/14/2011 2:19:46 PM
Captcha fails on Logon form

We have set up a web-site using Kentico 5.5 using the portal mode.
We have a custom Registration form which works fine without Captcha.
We would like to use Captcha but there seems to be a problem.

If the user is logged on to the system then he/she can quite happily use the Registration form to input (Register) the details for a new user. However if someone who has not logged on uses the same form the Captcha always rejects the validation code.
Obviously we want the Registration form to work for those who have no logon IDs!!

It seems to work OK on my desktop website but fails when I import it onto the production web server.

I have read in other parts of the forum that this might be due to the control creating a new validation code but not displaying it for the user to see (hence it fails). Or I suppose it might be something to do with permissions, I suppose.

Does anyone have any idea what we can do to make the control work correctly?

Kind regards,
Nick Robinson

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kentico_michal - 6/20/2011 1:25:46 AM
RE:Captcha fails on Logon form

Could you please provide us with some additional information?
1. Is this issue related to one specific browser?
2. Does it happen time to time? Are there any conditions?
3. Can you reproduce it if you access the site from different machines?
4. Could you please check the Event log if there are any logs related to this issue (Site manager -> Administration -> Event log).

Thank you.

Best regards,
Michal Legen