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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Conditional blocks in email template for booking system invitatiosn (BookingEvent.Invitation) View modes: 
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aelmorsy-blackboard - 7/5/2011 10:00:57 PM
Conditional blocks in email template for booking system invitatiosn (BookingEvent.Invitation)

I have the following block of code in my template:


<b>Join URL:</b><br />
<a href="{%joinurl%}&username={%attendeefirstname%}%20{%attendeelastname%}">{%joinurl%}&username={%attendeefirstname%}%20{%attendeelastname%}</a>


I would like to have this HTML only be included if %joinurl% is not empty? How can that be done? Thanks in advance.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 7/11/2011 1:25:42 AM
RE:Conditional blocks in email template for booking system invitatiosn (BookingEvent.Invitation)
Hi Ahmed,

I copy the e-mail which I have sent yo you:

You may use a default value for that macro like:

{%joinurl|<the_default_value>%} (Macro expressions)

to avoid an empty URL. If you need the conditions, you can develop a custom macro (Macro expressions) with a custom code or maybe use nested macros in some way (Macro parameters).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova