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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Kentico Site map View modes: 
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nibubelfast-gmail - 7/15/2011 3:09:41 AM
Kentico Site map

I am using kentico cms sitemap to display the sitemap content.
I would like to hide some links in the site map page.(eg: if user is not login, i don't want to display the edit profile page link )

How can I do it?

Thanks, Nibu

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 7/15/2011 6:38:51 AM
RE:Kentico Site map

You can set if a page is visible in the sitemap in Content tree / <your page> / Properties / Menu / "Show in sitemap". By disabling this attribute the page won't be shown in any sitemap.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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nibubelfast-gmail - 7/15/2011 7:43:59 AM
RE:Kentico Site map
Hi Boris

I am using kentico login functionality for user login. If a user is logged, then shows the link in the sitemap.

I don’t want to disable the checkbox in the page property level. Is there any way to hide the link in the site map.

Can we make any checking like CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated() in the kentico sitemap control?

Thanks, Nibu

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 7/16/2011 4:46:49 AM
RE:Kentico Site map

Could you please check the "Personalized content" approach described in our documentation? I think this is exactly what you need.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko