Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx and user controls View modes: 
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neil-myfitfund - 7/5/2011 6:05:40 PM
CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx and user controls
This must be obvious and we are just missing something...

Is there a systematic way to avoid pages being directed to the portaltemplate.aspx page when using user controls? Is there a good rule of thumb or best practice? We keep inadvertently running into them and it's causing some challenges on pages.

Thanks! Probably super easy.

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kentico_michal - 7/7/2011 7:12:46 AM
RE:CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx and user controls

To be honest, I am not completely sure If I am getting this right. Could you please describe it in more detail? What kind of issues did you encounter? The page CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx is a portal template used in portal engine and its code is executed for each rendered page when using portal engine approach. Thank you.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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neil-myfitfund - 7/7/2011 10:50:21 AM
RE:CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx and user controls
Hi Michal,

When we create a custom control and embed it into a page using the user control web part, that custom control may have a post back. So for instance we will create a page called /usersearch.aspx

If we do process something on that control which then brings the user to the same page but with results say as in the case of a query or a search - then when the page refreshes - it comes back as /portaltemplate.aspx?alias=usersearch or something like that.

How can we maintain the old page name. Is that a control? Do you add in the cms.portal? Is that the one I'm thinking of? But we aren't doing the abstract feature.

Thanks for your help

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kentico_michal - 7/13/2011 2:55:36 AM
RE:CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx and user controls

Could you please check what is the value of the following expression in the custom control when a postback takes place:

bool filter = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(RequestStockHelper.GetItem("ApplyOutputFilter"), false);

This value indicates whether the output fitler is applied or not.

Moreover, how is the output filter set up? You can check it in Site manager -> Settings -> Output filter -> Excluded output form filter URLs.

Best regards,
Michal Legen