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Version 5.x > Portal EngineSource control - subversion - anyone done anything got a decent solution? View modes: 
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Andy - 7/19/2011 8:17:43 AM
Source control - subversion - anyone done anything got a decent solution?
Hey - I have 5 separate installations of Kentico 5.5 R2. for different sites. (Yeah I know I can put them all in one, but we found that proliferation of doc types, staging issues and occasional site corruption issues warranted the extra work for keeping the sites separate).

Anyway, I have the 5 Visual Studio 2010 solutions each in subversion, separately. Of course, the solution and the stuff in subversion are massive (including all the images etc), even if I judiciously apply svn:ignores.

Anyone done anything clever like (making this up here)
- have a small VS project for customizations ... where if you want to change a codebehind for a standard file, you change the inherits in the ascx/aspx and build your own codebehind in your own custom assembly ... and just include that ascx/ascx, plus your assembly in the project and source control, or
- have a directory structure for the latest version of all the standard site files and have a build process that compares your dev site dir stucture to the default one, and then only checks in the code that differs? or
- change the 'build action' for all the aspx/ascx to compile so that all the standard controls etc are compiled into assemblies and then you just undo them individually when you need to customize anything.

or is it best practice to just dump the whole lot in subversion and go with it?

is there any plan to have like a compiled version of kentico where the standard web site files are all compiled into assemblies

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 7/25/2011 4:16:21 AM
RE:Source control - subversion - anyone done anything got a decent solution?

to achieve your goal you would need to convert your web project to the web application. Then you could divide the application into several independent blocks.

In version 6.0 the conversion will not be needed.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova