Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > GUID question View modes: 
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gliker-inorbital - 7/11/2011 11:56:27 AM
GUID question

I was wondering does webpart ID corresponds to GUID webpart number?

Issue we had is that for one of our new websites we created test template with one editable text webpart. That template was used for adding content into the website while we are developing final templates. Once final templates were done we added editable text webparts to the new templates with the same ID as editable text webpart in the test template. This way we were able to have content exactly where we want.

Only problem was that on some pages content was missing and changing webpart ID didn't help until we found that GUID number for the same webparts was different for some reason. Once we matched GUID number with GUID number from test template all content was there again.

So I guess question is are webpart ID and webpart GUID unique to that webpart of this was just a bug?


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gliker-inorbital - 7/11/2011 12:05:12 PM
RE:GUID question
To clarify my question further here is the actual code from template properties:

<webpart controlid="editabletext1" type="editabletext" guid="6a8f6646-48c2-4726-abfc-f91a5e8bb54a">

So if I create new template and add editable text into it and then manually change webpart id to "editabletext1" using portal engine would that webpart also get corresponding GUID number (same as the one above)?


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kentico_michal - 7/18/2011 2:27:35 AM
RE:GUID question

If you replace the current template with a new template with an Editable region of the same ID it should get the same GUID as the Editable region from the previous template and therefore it should display the same content. However, the new template should have the same number of Editable region web parts of the same ID as the previous one. The new GUIDs are generated after the Save button on the Page is clicked, but the content remains the same.

Best regards,
Michal Legen