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Version 5.x > Portal EngineBlog Controls and Tagging View modes: 
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msherburne-theatomgroup - 7/26/2011 8:43:36 AM
Blog Controls and Tagging
I have a site that utilizes the Blog Archive web part, Category List web part, and Tag Cloud web part. They work fine on the blogs main landing page but once drilled down into sub pages they no longer render. Not sure what is going on. Here is my code snippets.

<tag:Categories runat="server" ID="categoryTags" StopProcessing="false" ShowForDocumentTypes="CMS.Blog; CMS.BlogPost; CMS.BlogMonth"
QueryStringName="categoryid" OrderBy="CategoryID" HideOnSubPages="false" />

<tag:Cloud runat="server" ID="blogTags" TagGroupName="Blog" StopProcessing="false" HideOnSubPages="false"
ShowForDocumentTypes="CMS.Blog; CMS.BlogPost; CMS.BlogMonth" />

<blog:BlogArchive runat="server" ID="blogArchive" StopProcessing="false" TransformationName="CMS.BlogPost.Archive"
ShowForDocumentTypes="CMS.Blog; CMS.BlogPost; CMS.BlogMonth" HideOnSubPages="false" />

Blog template repeater

<cms:CMSRepeater ID="rptBlog" runat="server" ClassNames="cms.blogpost" OrderBy="BlogPostDate DESC"
EnablePaging="true" PagerControl-ShowFirstLast="true" PagerControl-Enabled="true"
PagerControl-PageSize="5" ZeroRowsText="No Items Found" OnItemDataBound="rptBlog_ItemBound"
TransformationName="cms.blog.PostPreview" EnableViewState="false" HideControlForZeroRows="true"
SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.blogpost.default" Path="Blog/%" />

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kentico_michal - 7/28/2011 5:45:54 AM
RE:Blog Controls and Tagging

Could you please specify what customizations have you made?

Do sub-pages inherit the same template that is used on the main page?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Michal Legen