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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Deleting a culture View modes: 
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eoin-fusio - 5/10/2013 10:59:28 AM
Deleting a culture
Ever time I try to remove a culture (Portuguese) it tells me that it can't because documents exist in that culture. I go to List mode in CMS desk and I can see all the pages in the site that are translated into that culture and they're all red.

Does this mean I have to create all those pages and then delete them to remove the culture?! There are no Portuguese pages left anywhere on the site but I still can't remove that culture from the site. The root page isn't Portuguese, nothing is, but it still refuses to let me delete it.

What can I do?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/11/2013 1:23:52 AM
RE:Deleting a culture

Could you please check also the recycle bin - it is possible that some of the documents were not destroyed entirely. If so, please remove them from bin and then you can remove the culture.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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eoin-fusio - 5/13/2013 4:37:14 AM
RE:Deleting a culture
Hi, thanks, just tried that. There were a bunch of files still in the recycle bin, I deleted them but it's still refusing to delete the culture!

Any other ideas?

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eoin-fusio - 5/13/2013 4:40:16 AM
RE:Deleting a culture
When I try to delete a page in Portuguese I get this message:

"Current culture version of the document does not exist, you can delete only all culture versions of the document."

If it doesn't exist why can't I delete the culture? I get the above message for all documents I try to delete when in list mode and showing Portuguese.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/13/2013 5:22:38 AM
RE:Deleting a culture

It seems that there is an inconsistency in the DB. Have you checked the bin as well?
Please, check the CMS_Document table and select all records that have given culture in DocumentCulture column.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus