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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Ecommerce nodeOrder problem with Catagories View modes: 
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davidj-millerdavisagency - 8/6/2011 1:52:32 PM
Ecommerce nodeOrder problem with Catagories
I have products arranged in different catagories pages under a main Products page. The catagory pages work fine with the Orderby = nodeOrder. The products appear in the listing as they do in the Tree. For the main products page I want the products to be listed in order as they are listed down the tree into each of the catagories.

The Orderby = nodeOrder on the Products page seems to just create a random order.

Any suggestions?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 8/8/2011 12:24:07 AM
RE:Ecommerce nodeOrder problem with Catagories

If you would like to ensure that the order of document in your listing web part is the same as order in your content tree in CMS Desk, you need to order them with following order by expression:

NodeLevel, NodeOrder, NodeName


Best regards,
Miro Remias