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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Hide USA from the Dropdownlist View modes: 
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Gitesh - 8/18/2011 8:21:20 PM
Hide USA from the Dropdownlist
HI Guys,

I am working with the e-commerce shopping cart pages.

1. How can I remove USA from the country list on shipping address page?
2. When someone goes to the Payment gateway and back button , it comes back to the site and all the data of the customer is lost in the shopping cart but shipping price stays to whatever was selected.

Gitesh Shah

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kentico_helenag - 8/21/2011 9:28:12 AM
RE:Hide USA from the Dropdownlist

If you want to remove USA in the whole installation, you can remove it in Site manager -> Development -> Countries.

If you want to hide it only in that form control, you can add a Where condition to:


for example like: WhereCondition="CountryDisplayName <> 'USA'"

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Gitesh - 8/21/2011 8:54:05 PM
RE:Hide USA from the Dropdownlist
Hi Helena,

I tried deleting USA from the countries list, but gives me the below error:

Error: The selected item cannot be deleted because it's used by other records. You need to remove it from the related records first.

I tried to solve the error but not sure where else the country USA is being used?


On which line shall I add the where condition, an example would be great.

Gitesh Shah

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kentico_helenag - 8/22/2011 2:14:24 AM
RE:Hide USA from the Dropdownlist
Hi Gitesh,

1. You have to delete the States of a country like: Site manager -> Development -> Countries -> edit USA -> States -> delete all of them.

2. There is a control:

<cms:UniSelector ID="uniSelectorState" runat="server" DisplayNameFormat="{%StateDisplayName%}" ObjectType="cms.state" ResourcePrefix="stateselector" />

in the Country selector and it can have a property called WhereCondition.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 8/22/2011 4:22:12 PM
RE:Hide USA from the Dropdownlist
Hi Helena,

I have deleted all the states of USA but still it gives the same error.

What else could be related to it?

Gitesh shah

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/24/2011 2:06:56 AM
RE:Hide USA from the Dropdownlist
Hi Gitesh,

can you check CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Configuration -> Tax classes? There should be no value for USA if you want to delete it. If you have already some customers in your system (CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Customers), please check if USA is in their addresses or on their General settings (CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Customers -> General).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova